Our Natural Discomfort with Endings

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Last week marked the end of the Daring Way ™ group experience.  I feel fortunate to have spent the past two months co-facilitating, learning and growing with a remarkable group of women.  As the final session approached, I was reminded of the necessity for endings in life and how under-prepared we typically are for the emotional response.

For many of us, the end of any relationship is marked as a sad, often sudden, and unwanted transition.  The ending may be due to death, break-up, moving or other circumstances and yet there is a common theme of loss and resistance to the change.

Walking Away


Many of my posts in March tapped in to that notion of change and the opportunities it can bring.  The difficult truth is that for growth to happen, we do need to leave some parts of our lives behind.

The group process was one chance to experience a healthy and positive closure as part of the transformation path.  This did not mean an escape from the sadness at the end but the ending gained meaning and perspective as each woman recognized how far she had come and looked ahead to where she wants to be.  Because this ending was anticipated, the group was able to prepare for the shift and to mark the occasion in ways that supported gratitude for the past and hope for the future.

Stepping Stones


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Isabel

    I can relate to this alot my days seem to be more and more fielld with these types of thought s . But I do believe the past makes us who were no matter how traumatic it stays with us we grown and move on but its always there . Youve had the strength to come this far and in time will deal with nightmare s dont put to much pressure on yourself you are only human after all and help so many others as well as dealing with your own pain I hope you continue with good support and eventually allow that door to fully close xx

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