We are all Students
Throughout 2019, the theme on this blog (and my life) has been self-compassion. It's an important topic for those of us with health conditions as too often we feel our struggles are a burden to others and we neglect to offer ourselves the love and nurture we need. This road can be a hard one and it's okay to acknowledge the struggle as we continue to live lives based on values and meaning This focus started off in January with a link outlining the scientific benefits…
I recently saw this posted on Sharon Salzberg's Facebook page. She is an inspiring Buddhist teacher who is renowned for her work on loving kindness (metta) practices. It's a beautiful reminder of the importance and wisdom of boundaries. We need them in order to be well and to serve ourselves and others. So when we set those limits, aim to bring kindness and love to that experience.
Spring is fast approaching. For me, the season always brings thoughts of change and hope. I am not one for New Year's Resolutions, but as the weather warms to I find myself reflecting on what areas of my life might need a little fresh air, a gentle dusting off or perhaps an entirely new coat of paint. As I start this process of inner refreshment, I am reminded of the importance of just allowing a soft awareness of the sticky areas. I can find the tools…
Happy New Year! As you begin 2019, do so with a strong dose of self-compassion. After all, there is science that says it's worth it... http://ccare.stanford.edu/uncategorized/the-scientific-benefits-of-self-compassion-infographic/
As the holidays are upon us, here are some tips to supporting a friend or family member who is dealing with a chronic condition: Ask about his or her experience. Each person has a unique set of symptoms (even within a single disease) and each person deals with these symptoms in a unique matter. It can be a gift when someone cares to check in and ask what is going on. Unless otherwise specified, keep inviting them. Although you might hear the answer 'no' a lot…
This message is one we all need to hear. It is easy to attach our self view to the opinions of other people. When those people de-value us, our sense of a worthy self suffers. Unfortunately, others can make assumptions and judgements based on the health concerns we face. It's a theme I see repeatedly with the clients I see. There is a deep pain when the distress of coping with your medical issues is compounded by other people's lack of understanding. These judgements may be…
Someone recently contacted me asking for some advice on how to support their loved one who is facing some serious health issues. It's a great question and it highlights how helpless we can feel when someone we care about is going through a difficult time. Here are some great tips from the Huffington Post: 8 Ways to Support Someone Dealing with a Health Crisis
How do you cope with losses in your life? No matter how much good fortune we have in life, each of us will at some time face loss. Beyond the death of a loved one, this could be the loss of a job, a relationship, our health or a dream. Coping with losses is a process that cannot be rushed nor prescribed. Each of us has the right to attend to our suffering in the ways that are most nurturing to us. Time may lessen the…
On a particularly difficult day for me last month, a friend gave me a book that he knew would lift my spirits. It was a collection of quotes and drawings that contained simple wisdom for living a life of peaceful presence (I've mentioned the work of Francois Lange at Sketches in Stillness on the blog before - I remain a huge fan). Having experienced that thoughtfulness and kindness myself, I was reminded of how offering up a gift is a powerful act for both the receiver AND…