Acceptance is a helpful skill and today's video explore what it is and what it is not.
Acceptance is a helpful skill and today's video explore what it is and what it is not.
The messages we tell ourselves are critical to our well being.
If you are looking for a highly approachable avenue for creativity, I encourage you to hop on over and explore this site: Zentangle Creating a piece of art in this meditative form (the Zentangle Method) has a decidedly calming effect. The official theory is included on the site along with resources you can explore to learn more.
Many of the clients I work struggle with overwhelming self-doubt. This self-doubt is pervasive in and it limits a person’s ability to engage fully with the world. Even worse, It is often accompanied by harsh self-judgment that serves to diminish self-esteem. A poor choice becomes just another reason to not trust oneself rather than an opportunity to learn and grow. This is a vicious cycle - a single suboptimal outcome becomes an instance of self-doubt. If unchallenged, this self doubt erodes confidence and leads to…
Today's video introduces triangle breathing. It's a simple calming technique that you can use at any time. Music courtesy of Kai Engel (
Desirée Dawson is an incredible musician from Vancouver. I have seen her perform live and she is inspiring with lyrics that reach inside your soul. I was thrilled to hear that she recently won CBC's Searchlight competition. Her contest entry video shows her beautiful spirit and her celebration of authentic expression.
Yoga can be a gentle (or vigorous) way to nourish the connection between your body and your mind. This has all kinds of benefits for mental well being. It fosters the spirit of mindfulness as the linking of postures to breath helps to bring awareness directly into the present. Regular practice also highlights the ways in which strength and balance are fluid and change even from one day to the next. A few of my favourite Yoga YouTube Channels: Lesley Fightmaster Yoga Yoga with Adriene Yoga Upload…
When you are faced with challenges that feel overwhelming, it’s natural and healthy to turn to others for help. Sometimes, however, there are parts of the challenge that we must face alone or that we struggle with internally. At these times, I find it helpful to have images that I can call forth in my mind that evoke strength and resilience. The visual representation is something I can draw upon to remind myself that I DO have the inner resources to cope with the situation. Here…
A short video today encouraging each of us to honour our experiences and engage in self nurturing whenever we need it. With many warm wishes...