Sketches in Stillness

When I need some calm perspective, one of my favourite web destinations is Sketches in Stillness.  The site's creator, Francois Lange, has created a haven of light through his pairing of delightful sketches and meditative wisdom.  I can easily (and happily) lose hours reading and resonating with his messages.  Those messages embody the notions of mindfulness, acceptance and compassion.

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“My Anxious Heart” by Katie Joy Crawford

Katie Joy Crawford has created a series of photos depicting her life with anxiety and depression.  Please visit her site for a gorgeous and intimate portrayal of one women's experiences of life with mental health challenges.  My main mode of expression is through writing and so I am moved by the raw honesty she shares through her images.

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Do It Anyway (Sometimes. Sometimes Don’t.)

I was reminded last night the importance of choosing to push myself at times. (The "at times" disclaimer is important because resting and restoring is equally as important at times). Most people can identify with feeling that peculiar combination joy and exhaustion that comes at the end of a long week.  I was feeling proud of making it through and also ready to devote my evening to some serious navel-gazing. That's when I remembered the concert tickets. Inside my head, for over 30 minutes, a battle raged over the…

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Rising Strong for Health

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The endlessness of dealing with health issues has the potential to leave us feeling depleted and at the mercy of others.  I know that, at times, I have felt that I was merely a passenger on the bus that is my diabetes; I felt carried along by other forces but unable to direct the route or even speak to the driver.  There were many stories I could hear on that bus that related to me, but none of them felt like they were mine. I am excited to once again…

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Preparing for a New Year

I came across this simple and powerful activity that was posted last year by Smile FM and I was struck by the positive spirit it conveys.  While our struggles and pains are real and valid, I believe we can all find one thing each week to be grateful for.   This can be as small as feeling the warmth of the sun on your face or as large as winning the jackpot in the lottery. I love this idea and I encourage all of us to put…

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Christmas in the Air

We can so easily get caught up in the emotional frenzy during the holidays - sometimes as we swirl along in it and sometimes as we look from afar and wish we were able to participate. At times like these, I find it helpful to focus on small things that I know to be true and this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson captures what the holiday season (and all of life) is really about for me.

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Pets and Mental Health

Head on over to Mental Floss to learn more about the benefits of having a pet. 10 Benefits of Being a Dog Owner While that article focuses specifically on dogs, there is ample evidence that pets of all kinds are good for our health (including mental health!). 12 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Mental Health (Huffington Post)  Pets for Depression and Health (webMD) The Truth About Cats and Dogs: Pets are Good for Mental Health of 'Everyday People' (American Psychological Association)

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Making Difficult Choices

Life is rarely straightforward.  At times, you come to a juncture where you face a difficult decision.  Do you continue in a job that is ‘okay’ but not great?  Do you try a new alternative health remedy for a condition that has plagued you for too long?  Do you end a friendship that no longer feels positive?  Do you ask for help for your problems? When facing tough choices, reflect on the questions below.  Such questions allow you to arrive at a decision that is best…

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