Yoga Links

Yoga can be a gentle (or vigorous) way to nourish the connection between your body and your mind.  This has all kinds of benefits for mental well being.  It fosters the spirit of mindfulness as the linking of postures to breath helps to bring awareness directly into the present.  Regular practice also highlights the ways in which strength and balance are fluid and change even from one day to the next. A few of my favourite Yoga YouTube Channels: Lesley Fightmaster Yoga Yoga with Adriene Yoga Upload…

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Images of Strength

When you are faced with challenges that feel overwhelming, it’s natural and healthy to turn to others for help.  Sometimes, however, there are parts of the challenge that we must face alone or that we struggle with internally.  At these times, I find it helpful to have images that I can call forth in my mind that evoke strength and resilience.  The visual representation is something I can draw upon to remind myself that I DO have the inner resources to cope with the situation. Here…

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Buddhist Wisdom

For today's link, I direct you to Ideapod to read about three Buddhist beliefs.  All three are ideas that may not feel intuitively positive at first and yet there is hopeful wisdom in the spirit of hope and acceptance within each. 3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Soothe Your Soul

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How ARE You?

It's summer time and for many, that means good times with good friends.  The summer months are a common vacation time with much of our conversations revolving around weekends away, road trips or longer sojourns abroad.  So what do you do if you find yourself unwell during these times? It can feel inauthentic to express enthusiastic summer praise when in reality you are struggling; at the same time, you might be reluctant to bluntly confess that you are having a hard time. Here are some ideas on…

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Maintain Your Relationships

In the midst of any health crisis or emotionally distressing situation, it can be challenging to turn toward those we love and to maintain healthy relationships. Over at Tiny Buddha, Lisa Esile recently wrote about How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship When You're Depressed.  While she was focusing specifically on depression, much of this advice applies to any relationship that is impacted by psychological or emotional distress.  The five pointers near the end of the article capture the importance of perspective and realistic thinking about ourselves and…

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