Whether you are living with a chronic illness or simply contending with the many uncertainties of 2020, most of us are experiencing some degree of anxiety and overwhelm this year.
We don’t have any clear idea of the future and that leads us to feel helpless. Further, many of our typical coping mechanisms are unavailable to us due to the pandemic restrictions.
In those moments when life is feeling like too much, it’s powerful to acknowledge what we are feeling. Naming our emotions helps us to see them as less threatening so that we can find some space within the experience.
Beyond that, remembering the basics of being well becomes our next method of managing these difficult times. Eating nourishing food, taking necessary medications, sleeping enough and moving our bodies are important elements to maintain.
Sometimes we need to allow ourselves to let non-essentials fall away and really focus in on being good to our bodies and our minds. It won’t make the world any more certain and yet it will help us to be more resilient with whatever is happening.