Quotes on Change

Today's post is a mega-dose of quotes!  Katie over at Conquering Fear Spiritually writes beautifully about the challenges of living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  Her posts are always full of wisdom and compassion with a strong positive vibe throughout. Recently she posted 10 Quotes About Change.  Hop on over there and check them out. My favourite of those posted was this one: “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.” – Nikos Kazantzakis I love the spirit behind those words and the…

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Feeling Like an Imposter

Many of us face each day feeling that we are somehow not measuring up.  When this occurs to the extreme, particularly in work life, it is called "imposter syndrome".  Imposter syndrome can affect how we view ourselves and how we experience the world.  This is certainly true when we are trying to privately cope with a health condition and we feel that the truth of the situation will somehow reveal that we are less capable and less worthy. As I work with clients and see the…

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Three Simple Calming Exercises

While it is important to regularly engage in self-care practices that nurture you, sometimes we all desire a quick fix. Whether you are stuck waiting in a doctor's office, dealing with a cranky co-worker or attempting to cope with an acute bout of pain, it is natural that you seek relief from distress. Try one of these quick activities the next time that you find yourself in need of instant support and care.  They are simple practices that can help you to ground yourself and find calm in…

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Live and Learn 4 – Tonglen (Giving and Receiving) Meditation

In our first Live and Learn video of 2016, I am introducing a Tonglen (Giving and Receiving) Guided Meditation.  This is a practice that may appear difficult at first glance and yet can be profoundly healing.  I urge you to be gentle with yourself as you explore this practice and see if it is one that works for you. This meditation is based on the Buddhist practice of Tonglen.  There are many resources available that describe the power and purpose of this practice only a short Google search…

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Type 1 Diabetes Memes

I know that the holidays can be both joyous and yet also stressful, regardless of your health status.  For those of you readers who have diabetes, I offer you a lighthearted link today to hopefully bring a smile to your day. Type 1 Diabetes Memes The wonderful folks at Type 1 Diabetes Memes have a tumblr blog as well as a Facebook feed with posts that frequently make me laugh out loud.  It's nice to poke a little fun at the condition that can sometimes feel…

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Spring Group Offerings

I am very excited to share that I will once again be co-facilitating with my fabulous colleague, Karen Gilbert, in 2016.  We will be offering two different group experiences next year based on the research of Brené Brown.  Both groups are designed for individuals who have health concerns and are looking to thrive in the midst of the challenges they face. In brief, the two programs will be: A two session experience based on the latest offering from Brené Brown: TheRising Strong™ book and curriculum.  In a…

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Recommended Reading – The Artist’s Way

The Artist's Way is a well-known and well-respected book and course for cultivating creativity in our lives.  I love how this book walks you through a framework that allows a personalized exploration of what art and creativity mean to you and how you can expand on those experiences.  This is a valuable tool - art and creativity can be essential practices in processing our emotional lives - both celebrating the positives and working with the challenges. Countless others have expressed appreciation for Julia Cameron's work and how it helped them to reconnect…

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Live and Learn 3 – Peaceful Place Guided Visualization

In today's Live and Learn video, I guide you through a visualization of a peaceful place.  This may be any place that evokes comfort and calm for you.  It might be a real place you have been or it might be a place you have only imagined. This calming meditation may be helpful to draw upon if you find yourself caught up in the bustle of the holiday season.  The busyness of December can be both joyful and stressful and I encourage you to make time for moments…

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Making Sense

No matter what is occurring in your journey, there are times when you will need to make decisions that may not be easily understood by those around you.  This could be anything from trying a new therapy, stopping a medication or taking the time to engage in nurturing self-care.  While having input and support is invaluable, it often helpful to recall that your life is ultimately your own.  Check in with yourself and your reasons.  If you are acting from a place that is informed, genuine and loving,…

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