Coping with Loss

How do you cope with losses in your life?

No matter how much good fortune we have in life, each of us will at some time face loss.  Beyond the death of a loved one, this could be the loss of a job, a relationship, our health or a dream.

Coping with losses is a process that cannot be rushed nor prescribed.  Each of us has the right to attend to our suffering in the ways that are most nurturing to us.  Time may lessen the rawness of pain, and yet most of us will continue to carry some losses with us for life.  However, as we move through our grief, we generally learn to carry the loss more skillfully so that we are able to relearn how to engage in our lives fully.  The loss becomes a part of our story rather than existing only as the main plot.

Option B is a great resource for beginning to build your resilience in the wake of many types of loss.  I encourage you to explore the areas that are relevant to your loss and utilize tools targeted to the type of loss in your life.

If you are experiencing a loss right now, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to experience grief and healing in the ways you need.   You are the expert on your life and now is a time to nurture yourself with self-compassion.